• The Art and Science of the Shake: Part 1

    March 29, 2023

    A JDD shake is the simplest, safest and fastest way to get the highest possible nutrition into your body.  That’s a pretty bold…

  • 2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 3

    March 15, 2023

    Progression: What is the optimal combination of intensity and volume to build your strength, stamina, and resilience? Let's talk about how to progress with Heavy Hands Walking.

  • 2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 2

    March 1, 2023

    Here's how to duplicate the incredible fitness and fat burning benefits of cross country skiing by walking at a comfortable pace and pumping very light hand weights starting with just one pound in each hand.

  • 2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 1

    February 16, 2023

    Heavy hands walking is a safe, simple, and a practical way to get into shape.

  • 2023 Resolutions Part 2: Most Effective Exercise

    February 1, 2023

    Exercise is an integral component of getting and staying lean because lean body muscle mass is use it or lose it.

  • 2023 Resolutions Part 1

    January 18, 2023

    Your 2023 resolutions are for the entire year of 2023. Just because you slip, does not mean your 2023 resolution is void. The idea is to keep progressing and to accomplish your big goal by or before the end of the year.