News - Newsletter

  • "Uncommon valor was a common virtue."

    October 12, 2022

    Having a powerful enough goal, the right coach, and a supportive environment can lead to profoundly positive personal change.

  • Healthy Rituals, Healthy Tools

    September 26, 2022

    Emblems of your daily healthy rituals are jars of Joe Dillon protein and your Vitamix variable speed blender. And plenty of leafy greens.

  • Evolving Toward Modern Human Behavior

    August 15, 2022

    We evolved from living opportunistically day-to-day with immediate gratification to longer, more complex hunting trips and delayed gratification. The trend over time is simple to complex.

  • Two Sides of Neolithic

    August 2, 2022

    In less than 10,000 years, humans have so altered the climate of our planet that we as a species (as well as thousands of other species) are facing a growing existential crisis.

  • The Evolutionary Origin of Exercise Mismatch Issue#2

    July 20, 2022

    Why do so many people struggle to exercise consistently? Or exercise at all? Goethe said if you want to understand something, go to the origin. If we want to understand our deepest motivations, we return again to human evolutionary history.